I do most of my knitting on the couch in front of the TV. It sounds almost shameful to me- plopped on the couch in front of the idiot box, the boob toob. It works for me because I can focus on the knitting, but I enjoy the TV in the background. I'd probably like listening to pod casts or audio books just as much, but I'm a bit of a technophobe- sadly iPod-less.
Sometimes I knit in the car on longer trips. This is a pretty good compromise for the multitasker in me. The only hang up is juggling all of my stuff in the car- especially the pattern and notes.
Of course, I knit at knit group. this is very fun knitting to be sure, but rarely the most productive. There's always the talking and eating and not so much with the the reading complicated charts of watching what I'm doing.
But in summer my very favorite place to knit is right here.
This is the deck on the pond at my in-laws' cabin. This is the only place where I knit with absolute, undivided attention. This is where complicated problems are solved, where lace charts are deciphered. The only sounds are the crickets and frogs and the dogs barking on the other side of the valley.
I'm near finished with Sockapalooza sock #1 after out visit to the cabin last weekend. I'll post a pic and details when I finish the toe.