Thursday, August 2, 2007

and off they go...


Anonymous said...

...and here's a note for Sarah....

Your socks are on their way too! I hope that you like 'em!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! I was completely tickled when I opened your parcel. I'd very seriously considered knitting myself a pair of these exact socks before starting Vinnland on a whim. The color is fantastic and I love, love, love the socks.

I love them so much that I immediately pulled them on and wore them to the movies with my husband. Nevermind this is Georgia in the mid-90's. I'll have to get photos of everything, especially the cookies before I fall ravenously upon them, and remember to post them.

I'm so glad you stuck with these even through the trouble they were causing you. Thank you!!